T-VINE Directory Listings

Standard Entry Benefits

A Standard Entry on the T-VINE Business Directory includes the following features and benefits:

  • Listed in up to 5 categories: your company name, address, business description, contact details, opening hours, and a single image (business logo or photo)
  • 4-issue subscription to T-VINE Magazine
  • FREE promotion (‘Special Offer’) to T-VINE.com readers
  • FREE editorial support for interesting business news (new shop, product or service launch, major milestone, industry award, etc)
  • FREE classified ads (jobs, announcements etc) on T-VINE.com twice a year

Premium Entry Benefits

A Premium Entry on the T-VINE Business Directory includes all Standard Entry features plus:

  • Up to 5 images & a short promotional video clip featured as part of your business entry listing
  • UNLIMITED categories (all that apply to your business) for your business listing
  • PROFILE piece on your business for T-VINE.com – a dedicated article solely about you/your business written by one of our journalists
  • FREE twice yearly promotion (‘Special Offer’) to T-VINE.com readers
  • PRIORITY given on comment or inclusion in editorial articles on topics affecting or related to your business sector (Christmas gift ideas, Food & Drink, Interiors, Travel, Wellbeing, Ask the Uzman etc.)

If you are a British business with a chain of branches and wish for each one to be listed separately, or have a business outside the United Kingdom, please contact us for a quote.