Category: Opinions

As a resident, I’m fed up with Barnet Council normalising anti-Turkish bias and hate. It’s time to speak out!

I’m a Londoner of mixed Turkish and Turkish Cypriot descent, who has lived in the London Borough of Barnet for twenty years. Like many other British Turks inside and outside of this north London borough, I have seen my local authority’s relentless anti-Turkish and anti-Turkish Cypriot bias over many years. It’s gotten to the point […]

Guest Views
MoJ decision means Tottenham Park Cemetery can finally be turned into a garden of remembrance

The Government has announced its intention to ban new burials at Tottenham Park Cemetery, except for previously reserved graves. Tottenham Park Cemetery is full. Two Ministry of Justice reports have now confirmed this. From having an original capacity of 6,500 in 1912, when the cemetery was first opened, to now having almost 50,000 people buried […]

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Labour’s stance on the Gaza ceasefire is not only a betrayal of their voters, but also of their own values

Seeing Conservative politicians vote against the ceasefire in Gaza in the UK Parliament was disappointing, but at the same time expected. However, so many abstentions from Labour Party MPs was totally heartbreaking, as it is because of their silence that this genocide against the Palestinian civilians of Gaza is being allowed to continue. Considering that […]

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“These young men put their lives on the line for their country and made the ultimate sacrifice, it’s essential that, as a whole country, a whole people, we honour their memory”, writes Sapper Patrick Cengiz Azimkar’s mother

Although the Cyprus Regiment in World War II has been the community’s major focus of Turkish Cypriots’ bravery and sacrifice for the United Kingdom, they have also fought in modern wars for Britain. A Haringey British Turkish Cypriot, 21-year-old Royal Engineer Patrick Azimkar, was gunned down by the IRA at the Massereene Barracks in Antrim, […]

A triumph of sensationalism over virtue, Braverman’s ‘Illegal’ Migration Act will cost lives

The Illegal Migration Bill is now on Britain’s statute book. A total of 289 MPs voted in favour of the bill, giving the Home Secretary unprecedented powers to make arrangements for the detention and deportation of migrants, while 230 MPs voted against. Sensationalism rather than ‘virtue’, in Aristotle’s use of the term, has won again. […]