Category: Opinions

Eid in the Square 2023 was amazing, but where were the Turks?

I attended the Mayor of London’s annual Eid in the Square celebration in Trafalgar Square last weekend. It was a joyous riot of colour and noise, and the delicious smells lingering around from the edge towards thousands of people watching the activities on the main stage. The moon was visible overhead in the clear blue […]

The asylum bill and ‘pushing the boundaries’ – but for what?

The asylum bill introduced by the UK Government, in its current form, compels the Home Secretary to deny those refugees who arrive ‘irregularly’ access to the UK asylum system. If the bill passes, and it may, these asylum seekers, rather than being provided with protection, would be subject to detention in the UK and — […]

Guest Views
“Oil is the greatest national wealth of the Republic of Azerbaijan”: Heydar Aliyev and the ‘Contract of the Century’

The “Contract of the Century” has become a political and economic breakthrough for Azerbaijan in the 21st century. Undoubtedly, first of all, this is the merit of Heydar Aliyev, the creation of his mind, will, energy. Therefore, we will tell you about this epochal event, which has reverberated in the whole world, in detail. On […]

His tongue is venomous; he shows no remorse

“What an immoral, shameless, ungrateful being”. These words and more were spouted out by the President of the Republic of Türkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in desperation and anger. Such insults are so commonplace with him that one expects the opening lines of his address to the nation to be equally lethal. He curses people and […]

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Why Azerbaijanis are protesting Russian peacekeepers on the Shusha-Lachin Road

Since the start of this week, members of the Azerbaijani public and environmental activists have been holding round-the-clock protests on the Lachin-Shusha Road, also known as the Lachin Corridor, against Russian troops. The protesters are objecting to the troops blocking access along this main road in the Karabakh region. The demonstrations, which started on 12 […]

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De-Nile is not just a river in Egypt

You might have been fooled into thinking that this is an article about COP27 that has just finished in Egypt, but it is not, although it would make a good headline about that too. This is about the UK and the way that different sections of our society put different weights on different parts of […]

Guest Views
Why Greek Cypriots shouldn’t hide behind international law: they are breaking it with their misuse of the Doctrine of Necessity

Until 20 July 1974, the so-called ‘Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ of the so-called ‘Republic of Cyprus’ didn’t care a bit for International Law. Otherwise, by the summer 1965, the 1960 Constitution that formed the power-sharing Republic of Cyprus between Greek and Turkish Cypriots could have been fully restored. But Greek Cypriots preferred to continue […]

Our Turkish language and culture schools are in danger

The Council of Turkish Cypriot Associations (CTCA) held an important workshop on 23 October 2022 with our member schools. We all agreed that we are at a time of great danger for the future of our schools and the Turkish education of our children. Despite the heroic efforts of many volunteer staff and teachers, who […]