Category: Columnists

As a resident, I’m fed up with Barnet Council normalising anti-Turkish bias and hate. It’s time to speak out!

I’m a Londoner of mixed Turkish and Turkish Cypriot descent, who has lived in the London Borough of Barnet for twenty years. Like many other British Turks inside and outside of this north London borough, I have seen my local authority’s relentless anti-Turkish and anti-Turkish Cypriot bias over many years. It’s gotten to the point […]

A triumph of sensationalism over virtue, Braverman’s ‘Illegal’ Migration Act will cost lives

The Illegal Migration Bill is now on Britain’s statute book. A total of 289 MPs voted in favour of the bill, giving the Home Secretary unprecedented powers to make arrangements for the detention and deportation of migrants, while 230 MPs voted against. Sensationalism rather than ‘virtue’, in Aristotle’s use of the term, has won again. […]

Eid in the Square 2023 was amazing, but where were the Turks?

I attended the Mayor of London’s annual Eid in the Square celebration in Trafalgar Square last weekend. It was a joyous riot of colour and noise, and the delicious smells lingering around from the edge towards thousands of people watching the activities on the main stage. The moon was visible overhead in the clear blue […]

The asylum bill and ‘pushing the boundaries’ – but for what?

The asylum bill introduced by the UK Government, in its current form, compels the Home Secretary to deny those refugees who arrive ‘irregularly’ access to the UK asylum system. If the bill passes, and it may, these asylum seekers, rather than being provided with protection, would be subject to detention in the UK and — […]

His tongue is venomous; he shows no remorse

“What an immoral, shameless, ungrateful being”. These words and more were spouted out by the President of the Republic of Türkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in desperation and anger. Such insults are so commonplace with him that one expects the opening lines of his address to the nation to be equally lethal. He curses people and […]

Rishi Sunak’s Cyprus comments insult Turkish Cypriot loyalty to the Crown

Conservative Party leadership contender Rishi Sunak said, in writing to the Conservative Friends of Cyprus, that the British Cypriot Community has “made a hugely positive contribution to the United Kingdom”. It is important this statement applies to the UK’s Turkish Cypriot community, equally as to its Greek Cypriot community. In World War Two, thousands of Turkish Cypriots volunteered […]