Tag: mosque

HP Visit
Five fantastic Ottoman Mosques to see when visiting Türkiye

It should come as no surprise that Türkiye is home to a wealth of spectacular Ottoman mosques. The six-hundred-year Ottoman state left a powerful mark between its foundation in 1299, to its demise in 1923. This is especially true of the empire’s former capital Istanbul, and its heartlands in Anatolia and Thrace. What is particularly […]

HP News
Berlin’s Turkish mosque receives bomb threat

Far-right extremists threatened a Turkish mosque in Berlin, claiming they planted plastic explosives in the mosque complex. On Monday 26 November, Şehitlik Mosque received an e-mail from neo88@web.de, signed by Combat 18, a neo-Nazi terrorist organisation. The mosque belongs to Turkish-Muslim body DITIB (Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs) and is located near to Neukölln and […]