Author: Guest Writer

News - Features
Infiltrating a Greek neo-Nazi rally in Cyprus

  “What is this protest about?” I asked a group of young men sitting on the sidelines of a mass rally on the southern side of Nicosia’s Ledra Palace crossing. They took one look at me, all of them with the same unwelcoming frowns, before raising their hands to indicate that they would not speak […]

HP News
Turkish Cypriot Rule of Law:  ‘legality in illegality’

  “Life can best be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards”  Too much time has been spent in technicalities, in committees, in deadlines that never seem to be reached, but keep being moved forward to another deadline, which only prolongs the agony. The players change, they grow old, they even die, but for […]

Guest Views
Turkey’s referendum result: reading between the lines

  Turkey’s referendum result is undoubtedly a serious setback for Turkey’s long and torturous process of democratisation – but it’s not difficult to find signs of hope. The mood of NO supporters in the recent referendum on changes to Turkey’s constitution which dramatically expand the powers of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ranges from manic depressive […]

Letters, ‘The Turkish community are deeply shocked by the assassination of Russia’s Ambassador to Turkey, Mr Andrei Karlov’

Dear T-VINE, An open letter to His Excellency the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the United Kingdom, Dr Alexander Vladimirovich Yakovenko. The Turkish community in Britain are deeply shocked and saddened by the news of the assassination of the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Turkey, His Excellency Mr Andrei Karlov, in Ankara. We […]

HP Stuff
A Second Hand Car Buyer’s Guide

Buying a car is a pretty big deal, so you will want to be absolutely certain that the vehicle is in top condition. This is especially important when purchasing a used car, as the seller could try to cover up damage from a previous owner and sell you a dud. It is well worth taking […]

Ali Nazik (Minced Lamb and Smoked Aubergine)

Prep Time: 10 minutes      Cooking Time: 30 minutes                  Total Time: 40 minutes For this issue, we pass over the culinary reins to John Gregory-Smith, whose new Turkish Delights cookbook has got everyone excited about Anatolian cuisine. His regionally-inspired recipes are perfect for home cooking and this tasty aubergine-lamb dish is definitely one Naciye nene […]

Guest Views
Britain’s Foreign Office – makes you ashamed to be British

On 31 August, during the hot summer of 1956, two British policemen were standing guard on a well-known EOKA terrorist, Polykarpos Yorgadjis, in Nicosia General Hospital. Suddenly armed men rushed down the corridor. The officers drew their pistols. Shots rang out. ‘The Battle of Nicosia Hospital’ had begun. Four of Yorgadjis’s EOKA gang members were […]