Five Turkish Police Association members receive commendations from the Metropolitan Police

Four serving police officers and a police team leader serving in North London have received commendations from the Metropolitan Police for going above and beyond the call of duty.

Police Sergeant Eren Emin, Team Leader Abide Osman, Police Constable (PC) Haldun Huseyin, PC Yiğit Akdağ, and a fifth unnamed member of Turkish Police Association (TPA) received their awards from Detective Chief Superintendent Caroline Haines, the BCU Commander for Enfield and Haringey, at a Commendations Ceremony at Alexandra Palace on Friday, 29 April.

The all-day event was attended by relatives and colleagues of the officers, as well as a number of dignitaries including Haringey Council Leader Peray Ahmet, Enfield Mayor Doris Jiagge, Haringey Mayor Gina Adamou, Hornsey and Wood Green MP Catherine West, and Captain (Ret’d) Peter Baker, who is a Deputy Lieutenant for Greater London.

Two members of the Independent Advisory Group to Enfield Police, chair Rasheed Sadegh-Zadeh and committee member Erim Metto, were also present.

Friday’s Commendations Ceremony saw more than 80 police officers of different ranks, ranging from PC to Inspector, police support staff and some members of the public all recognised for their actions, which North Area Commander Haines described as “humbling and inspiring”.

Each of the officers being honoured had demonstrated skills and qualities that reflect the very best of British policing, such as compassion, bravery, devotion to duty, detective ability, determination, and leadership. Before being presented with their awards, their commanding officers read out the citations summarising why the officers had been commended.

Sgt Eren Emin receives his commendation certificate from Caroline Haines, North Area Commander, Alexandra Palace, London, 28 April 2023. Photo © Halil Yetkinlioglu
Abide Osman receives her commendation certificate from Caroline Haines, North Area Commander, Alexandra Palace, London, 28 April 2023. Photo © Halil Yetkinlioglu


Police Sergeant Eren Emin and Team Leader Abide Osman received commendations for their “vital” leadership role in building bridges between the large Turkish and Turkish Cypriot community in North London and the Met Police. The pair created a programme of activity for Turkish-speaking officers to be more visible at major community events, helping North Area police to not only grow their network of contacts, but to also gain the trust of community leaders. This has been invaluable in helping Sgt Emin and Ms Osman turn to the community to gather crucial intelligence on criminal cases that has been passed on to the relevant investigating teams in the Met.

PC Haldun Huseyin and PC Yiğit Akdağ were commended for negotiating with a suicidal male at height for over an hour to encourage him not to jump. The pair eventually persuaded the man to allow them to help bring him down to safety. He was then taken to hospital for checks and to ensure he received suitable care for his mental health crisis.

PC Haldun Huseyin (right) and PC Yiğit Akdağ with their commendation certificates after a Met Police North Area Commendation Ceremony at Alexandra Palace, London, 28 April 2023


A fifth member of the TPA also received a commendation, but their details have not been released due to the sensitivities surrounding the police work they are involved in.

Of the five TPA members who were commended on Friday, three are of Turkish Cypriot heritage, one of Turkish heritage and one of mixed Turkish heritage.

In a tweet on Saturday, the TPA said there are currently 112 officers and staff of Turkish and Turkish Cypriot heritage serving in the London Boroughs of Enfield and Haringey.

VIP guests join recipients of commendation certificates for a group photo outside Alexandra Palace following the Met Police North Area Commendation Ceremony, London, 28 April 2023. Photo © Halil Yetkinlioglu
Mounted police stand guard outside Alexandra Palace for the Met Police North Area Commendation Ceremony, London, 28 April 2023. Photo © Halil Yetkinlioglu


“5 members of the TPA recieved [sic] Commendations from DCS Haines. We are exceptionally proud to hear about the incredible work that officers from #Turkish & #Turkish #Cypriot backgrounds are doing. @MPSEnfield & @MPSHaringey has 112 #Turkish & #TurkishCypriot Officers & Staff”

Formed in 2003, the TPA was initially launched to bring together and support officers of Turkish and Turkish Cypriot descent working as part of the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS). Currently led by Sgt Emin, the TPA is an accredited staff association of the MPS with over 300 members. It is expanding to become a nation-wide organisation to support Turkish heritage officers working in constabularies outside of London.


Main image, top, (l-r): Sgt Eren Emin, Deputy Lieutenant for Greater London Captain (Rtrd) Peter Bake, Haringey Council Leader Peray Ahmet, Haringey Mayor Gina Adamou, Detective Chief Superintendent Caroline Haines, the BCU Commander for Enfield and Haringey Met Police, Enfield Mayor Doris Jiagge, Abide Osman, and Rasheed Sadegh-Zadeh, the chair of the Independent Advisory Group to Enfield Police.