Category: News – Features

“Islam isn’t the enemy… Islam is here to stay in the UK” says actor and former gangster-turned-Muslim Martin Askew

Perceptions about Islam, the gentrification of inner London, and ‘how do you tell your gangster family that you’ve converted to Islam’ were among the questions put to film director Andrew Hulme and actor Martin Askew at a special screening of Snow in Paradise,  a film which they wrote together. Inspired by Martin’s life and shot […]

News - Features
Countdown begins to TRNC Presidential Elections

Next Sunday, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will go to the polls to elect a new President. Seven candidates are vying for the political hot seat, including incumbent, Dr. Derviş Eroğlu. The TRNC operates a Parliamentary political system, which means the Presidency is primarily a symbolic role. However, since the times of the first […]

We remember: Yılmaz Güney, a legend of Turkish cinema who died 30 years ago today

One of Turkish cinema’s legendary figures, Yılmaz Güney was an award-winning film director, scenarist, novelist and actor. Of Kurdish origin, he made his mark championing Turkey’s most marginal citizens on and off the screen. During his career, he directed 25 films, wrote 61 scripts, and appeared in 116 movies. He became the first filmmaker from Turkey to win […]

News - Features
EXCLUSIVE: Kudret Özersay on his return to the Cyprus talks and whether he will stand in next year’s TRNC Presidential elections

Back in June, Dr. Kudret Özersay – a respected academic, leading civil society activist and the current Turkish Cypriot Negotiator for the Cyprus talks – visited London to meet with high level officials in the British Government. While in the capital, he also gave an illuminating talk at the London School of Economics. T-VINE caught […]

News - Features
Remembering the Tochni Massacre

Forty years ago today the war in Cyprus ended, but not before the gruesome discovery of a variety of mass graves containing the bodies of Turkish Cypriots. One of the worst was the Tochni Massacre: 85 inhabitants from Taşkent (also known as Tochni), a mainly Turkish village located in the Larnaca District of Cyprus, about halfway between Larnaca and Limassol, were […]

News - Features
We Remember: Mimar Sinan, one of the world’s greatest architects

Mimar Sinan, born 15 April 1489 Considered to be one of the greatest architects of all time, Mimar Sinan served several sultans during the classical Ottoman period: Süleyman the Magnificent, Selim II and Murad III. The son of a stonemason, Sinan grew up in Kayseri where he received a technical education. He became a military engineer, rising […]

News - Features
We Remember: 50 years of embargoes on the Turkish Cypriot people

UN Resolution 186, 04 March 1964 The United Nations sought to intervene in Cyprus following the outbreak of the conflict in December 1963, when the Greek Cypriots brutally seized power. On 4 March 1964, the UN unanimously passed Resolution 186 calling for measures to be taken “to stop the violence”, while approving for a UN […]

We Remember: iconic poet Nâzım Hikmet, who died June 3rd, 1963

Described as a “romantic revolutionary”, Nâzım Hikmet was repeatedly arrested for his political beliefs and spent much of his life in prison or in exile. His poetry has been translated into more than fifty languages and his innovative writing style broke literary boundaries in Turkey. His imprisonment in the 1940s became a cause célèbre among […]