Tag: Hulusi Akar

HP News
Turkish Airlines crew help deliver Afghan baby Havva on evacuation flight

There was drama of a positive kind on a flight taking evacuees from Afghanistan to Birmingham. One of the refugees, 26-year-old Soman Noori, went into labour on a Turkish Airlines flight from Dubai to Birmingham. The Afghan refugee, who had left Kabul with her husband and two young children the previous day, gave birth to […]

HP News
Turkish Defence Minister Akar: “You can’t get anywhere by ignoring Turkish Cypriots and Turkey”

Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar has underlined the role of Turkey in Cyprus, the Eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean region, telling the international community, “You can’t get anywhere by ignoring Turkish Cypriots, and the Republic of Turkey.” The minister made the comments during a defence press briefing on Wednesday that covered a wide range of […]

HP News
Turkish nation in mourning after 11 soldiers die in helicopter crash in Bitlis

Eleven soldiers were killed when a helicopter carrying them in eastern Turkey crashed in adverse weather conditions. The tragic accident occurred on Thursday afternoon about 10 kilometres from the city of Tatvan in Bitlis province, where the helicopter was heading. Lieutenant General Osman Erbaş, the head of the Turkish army’s 8th Corps, was among the […]

HP News
Turkey in mourning after terror group PKK executes 13 Turkish citizens in Gara

Thirteen Turkish citizens held in captivity by the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in northern Iraq were shot dead last week, the Turkish government announced on Sunday. The 13 included six soldiers, two police officers and intelligent officers who had been abducted from different parts of southeast Turkey by the PKK in separate incidents six years […]

HP News
Russians to teach Turks how to use missile system as US issues sanctions threat

Military personnel from Turkey have travelled to Russia to learn how to use its S-400 missile system, Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar was reported as saying on Tuesday. Soldiers will be getting to grips with the surface-to-air defence system ahead of its delivery to Turkey in the coming months, the Daily Sabah website reported. The […]