Category: HP News

HP News
Edmonton’s Kosk Restaurant fined for repeated food hygiene failings

  A popular Turkish restaurant in North London has been ordered to pay more than £8,000 in fines and costs after inspections found a number of food safety and hygiene issues. The case against Kosk Restaurant and its director was brought by Enfield Council. Ismail Koca, the director of Kosk Restaurant Ltd, pleaded guilty to […]

HP News
Tottenham Park Cemetery forced to close following health and safety concerns

  From 4pm today, a North London cemetery popular with British Turks is closing its doors to the public and visitors after serious health and safety concerns were raised by the local authority. This morning, the owners of Tottenham Park Cemetery were served with an enforcement order by council inspectors from Enfield Council who made […]

HP News
Landowners threaten to remove memorials at Tottenham Park Cemetery

  Relatives visiting loved ones buried at a North London cemetery were in shock after seeing notices from the landowners informing them that headstones deemed to be “a Health and Safety risk” could be removed. The typed notices, from Badgehurst Limited, were found posted on trees at Tottenham Park Cemetery. The single A4 page of […]

HP News
Pope Francis and President Erdoğan discuss Jerusalem at the Vatican

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan discussed Jerusalem with Pope Francis on Monday amid the continuing upheaval caused by the US’s recognition of the city as the Israeli capital last year. President Erdoğan, who became the first Turkish head of state to visit the Vatican in almost 60 years, had a fifty minute meeting with the […]

HP News
Paddy Power is the title sponsor of 2018 CONIFA World Football Cup in London

An international tournament that will feature North Cyprus’ national football side has received a crucial boost after attracting a major backer. Irish bookmaker Paddy Power has been announced as the title sponsor of the 2018 CONIFA World Football Cup, which will take place in London from the end of May. The tournament is organised by […]

Public meeting to discuss poor state of Tottenham Park Cemetery

  For several years, community activists have been campaigning hard to improve conditions at a North London cemetery that has been the primary place of rest for British Turks since the 1960s. The serious state of disrepair of graves and pathways at the privately-owned Tottenham Park Cemetery in Edmonton, along with a general lack of maintenance […]