Category: News – Turkey

News - Global
Turkish Airlines drops new advert featuring Morgan Freeman during American Super Bowl

Hollywood actor Morgan Freeman supped on Turkish tea before appearing in a comfy aircraft armchair atop stunning scenery in a new 45-second advert for Turkish Airlines. The clip, directed by Matthias Zentner, received its debut airing during yesterday’s Super Bowl. The advert appeared in commercial breaks during the match between the New England Patriots and the […]

News - Turkey
Theresa May secures multi-million defence deal after Turkey visit

Theresa May and her Turkish counterpart have announced new trade talks between Britain and Turkey that could generate billions more pounds for their economies. Mrs May is the first major Western leader to visit the Turkish capital following the coup attempt last summer. During her one day visit to Ankara on Saturday 28 Jan, the […]

News - Turkey
Is pop star Adele’s dad Turkish?

A musician living in Bodrum claims to be the father of British pop star Adele. Mehmet Asar, 52, told reporters for Doğan Haber Ajans that he had a fling with the superstar’s mother when she was holidaying in Turkey, nine months before the singer was born. According to Mr Asar, he met Penny Adkins in the […]

News - Global
Turkey: from out of the game to critical player in Syria

Rewind to the beginning of 2016. Ankara was at odds with many of the key actors in the Syrian conflict, including Washington and Tehran. And, after shooting down a Russian jet in November 2015, the temperature with Moscow was certainly below zero. Turkey became estranged from Iran and Russia because of its insistence on the […]

News - Global
Turks are Europe’s biggest talkers on mobile phones

A European survey into the average time mobile phone users spend talking on their phones was topped by Turkey. According to figures from 2016’s third quarter, Turks spend an average of seven hours and 16 minutes (436 minutes) per month chatting, compared to four hours and 17 minutes (257 minutes) for the rest of Europe. […]

News - Turkey
Russian ambassador to Turkey assassinated in Ankara

Ambassador Andrei Karlov has died after being shot as he was making a speech at a photo exhibition in the Turkish capital earlier this evening. The Russian envoy was rushed to hospital in a critical state, but despite desperate attempts it was not possible to save him. The news of his death was confirmed by the […]