Category: People

North Cyprus: a perfect LGBT holiday destination?

Cyprus is known in Greek mythology as the island of love and it is fair to say that Aphrodite had no qualms about individual sexual persuasion. She may have had a personal preference for men but the Olympic Gods, according to this link would have affairs with both men and women. Fast forward to 2014 […]

Yonca Abla
Ask Yonca abla: Does she need bigger boobs?

Dear Yonca abla, One of my closest girlfriends is keen to have a boob job. She has a gorgeous figure, is slim and beautiful, but feels her breasts are too small and is keen to get them enlarged. Ultimately it is up to her to do what she wants with her body, but I’m thinking […]

My World
My World: Altuğ Kop

His life hit rock bottom: no job, failed relationship and bad physique. Yet Eastender Altuğ has bounced back to become the first Turkish Cypriot Pro Fitness Model in the world. Tell us a bit about you I’m 29-year-old Londoner, now living in Essex. My mother is from Cyprus and my father from Ankara. I did […]

Propa Turkish
Bayram etiquette

With the recent run of Bayrams (there seems to be one every week), it made us think about an important tradition: ‘At what age do you stop kissing the hands of your elders when you greet them and when should you start extending yours?’ Like the rest of Britain, many Turks are getting married and […]

We Remember: iconic poet Nâzım Hikmet, who died June 3rd, 1963

Described as a “romantic revolutionary”, Nâzım Hikmet was repeatedly arrested for his political beliefs and spent much of his life in prison or in exile. His poetry has been translated into more than fifty languages and his innovative writing style broke literary boundaries in Turkey. His imprisonment in the 1940s became a cause célèbre among […]

The Uzman
Lots of cracks – how safe is my house?

We ask Oktay Hamit, a retired structural and civil engineer, BEng, CEng, MICE, to explain: There are no perfect houses. Whether you have a new home or one that’s a hundred years old, houses have cracks, as they all shift and settle into position after construction. Before you start filling in the cracks, it’s vital […]