Author: T-VINE

HP News
North Cyprus General Elections 2018: Turkish Cypriots go to the polls

Turkish Cypriots head to the polls today to elect a new government. Opinion polls are predicting a tight race with no outright winner from the general elections, that is likely to result in fresh coalition rule for the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). Fifty seats are up for grabs in the TRNC Parliament: 16 […]

HP News
British Turks show their charitable side this Christmas

  As millions of Britons enjoy their annual Christmas break with family gatherings and other festivities, thousands of people across the country will be doing their bit for those who find themselves isolated at this time of year. Among those volunteering to help are British Turks. A Turkish restaurant in Leicester is today offering free […]

HP News
Wife of Labour councillor Ahmet Karahasan passes away

  Nurten Karahasan, the wife of one of Britain’s best known Turkish Cypriot politicians, has died. Her family announced that she had passed away at the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead on Thursday. A mother of two grown-up sons, Mrs Karahasan had previously battled and beaten cancer. She had recently been admitted into hospital with […]

HP News
Istanbul OIC Summit declares East Jerusalem capital of Palestine

   Yesterday’s emergency meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Istanbul ended with a declaration signed by all 57 member states recognising East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine, and inviting the rest of the world to do the same. The summit was called by Turkey’s President Erdoğan in response to US President […]